Welcome to Campus Catering!
Wisconsin Union Catering and University Housing Catering are the exclusive full-service catering providers for the UW-Madison campus. We exist to serve UW departments, staff, students, and alumni, with service provided by UW employees and UW students. Whether you are hosting a meeting in your office conference room, an alumni tailgate before a Badger game, or a large banquet in one of our event spaces, the Wisconsin Union and University Housing are your best options for catering on campus. Let us take the guess-work out of your event.
Wisconsin Union Catering
Buildings We Serve
- Memorial Union
- Union South
- Grainger Hall
- All non-Housing campus buildings
Contact Information
Phone: (608)262-2511
Email: events@union.wisc.edu
Web: https://union.wisc.edu/host-your-event/catering
University Housing Catering
Buildings We Serve
- University Residence Halls
- University Housing dining locations
- University Apartments
- All non-Union campus buildings
Contact Information
Phone: (608)262-5577
Email: catering.office@housing.wisc.edu
Web: www.housing.wisc.edu/catering